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A Big Fancy Party For Mohmmad Yunus

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We're not exactly sure why we didn't get the invitation to this party Steve Clemons details at the Huffington Post:

Last night, Washington's political stars turned out to pay homage to the banker who started in 1976 lending $27 to 42 people in one village in Bangladesh.
Muhammad Yunus and many of his colleagues from the Grameen Bank were feted at an extraordinary reception and dinner gathering -- on a Sunday night -- at the Willard Hotel in Washington and hosted by the United Nations Foundation.
Among the guests were former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Congressman and Mrs. Tom Udall, Senator and Mrs. Paul Sarbanes, Pew Research executive and former Washington Post "Outlook" Editor Jodie Allen, Ted Turner and his companion Kathy Leach, Bruce and Hattie Babbitt, former Senator and UN Foundation President Timothy & Wren Wirth, former State Department Legal Adviser William Howard Taft IV, former Senator Donald Riegle, Ashoka founder William Dreyton, Kathy Bushkin, Kenneth Adelman, John Cochran, Diane Rehm, John Henry and Ann Crittendon, and many others.

A Grameen Gala and Ted Turner's Birthday [Huffington Post]
