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All Night Banking Gets Me Through The Night

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The AllNighter describes the physical toll of a few too many all nighters.

Once you start ritualistically going to bed at 5Am and coming to work at 9 (AM and the same day mate), your body isn't very happy. Your eyes start to see double, your hair starts to fall out and turn gray, and the only part of your anatomy that seems to be having a good time is your stomach, which baloons out of your suit pants (even after you adjust them at the waist for maximum leeway). Anyway. 3AM, and you need powernap.

And this, people, is the Eighth and final secret of the Highly Successful Banker: adding value on no sleep. Or, as one of our buddies puts it, keeping Tyler Durden under wraps till the deal closes.
Living the (fucking) dream... [The All Nighter]
