Open Questions: Who Wrecked This Car?
We're still searching for the identity of the "wealthy businessman" who reportedly crashed this Carrera GT after the owner let his friend take it for a test spin during a party in Port Chester, NY last Saurday. Because of the reported location--very near Greenwich, Connecticut--and the amount of disposable wealth involved--the driver bought his friend a new Carrera GT the very next day--we suspect that the driver or its owner might be a DealBreaker sort of guy.
So we're on the hunt for the identities of the people involved. But we need your help! Send your thoughts to tips(at) dealbreaker (dot) com, with the subject line "Car Wreck." Here's a hint: the driver broke his foot. So look around the office and let us know which bigshots are limping today! Thanks.
Update: Autoblog, our source for this story, takes it all back! So maybe the reason we can't find anything about the parties involved is that, uhm, it may not have happened.
The Carrera GT crash in NY: What you didn't know [Autoblog]