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Rumsfeld Watch: Where Will Rummy Go Next?

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Last week we asked you where you thought Donald Rumsfeld would head next. Nearly thirty percent of respondents said “Halliburton”—which is pretty disappointing since that seems the least likely of choices. You don’t really think Rumsfeld wants that kind of heat do you? Usually, we defer to our readers votes on these matters but this time we have to part company—Rummy’s almost certainly not heading to Halliburton.
So where is he going? Sunday’s Chicago Tribune runs through a host of possibilities: defense industry (too much “revolving door” heat), biotech (seems likely), some company in Chicago (Rummy’s totally hooked up in the Windy City) or one of the companies where his close friend Edward Brennan sits on the board.
But the article also raises the possibility that Rumsfeld might want to stay off the boards of any public company. In the era of Sarbanes-Oxley, it might just not be worth it to take the scrutiny that comes with serving as a director. Try to resist the temptation to say that “a feature, not a bug” of SOX.
Work shouldn't be hard to find for Rumsfeld [Chicago Tribune]
