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Housekeeping: A Note From Dealbreaker HR

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You've probably already noticed that we have a new guest writer. Perhaps you've heard of him? Zach Kouwe, formerly of the NY Times, was last in the news in a little episode a little while back when it came to light that he borrowed passages from the Wall Street Journal, a no-no that got him dismissed.

You're probably also aware he'd done a similar thing to yours truly when he lifted a memo from us and claimed he'd received it on his own (a claim later retracted by DealBook). Apparently that's what it takes to get a job here these days! So ladies, if you're looking for a new gig just start CTRL+C'ing DealBreaker-- and I'm sure we'll be giving you a call. Plagiarizers with tech expertise will get extra-special consideration.


Housekeeping: Dealbreaker Access

With the proliferation of smart phones and tablets in the financial community, there are now more ways than ever to access Dealbreaker content beyond your desktop browser. For those of you unable to access Dealbreaker through your work computer, you can easily access through the web browser on any mobile device. Dealbreaker stories are available on the Flipboard, Google Currents, and Pulse readers, and we will be launching on more mobile readers shortly. Dealbreaker is also accessible through Bloomberg using the command NH BLG_DEALBREAKER . If you have not yet accessed Dealbreaker through your mobile browser, please give it a try now. We also encourage you to download the readers in the Apple App Store or Android Marketplace to access Dealbreaker through a mobile reader.

Housekeeping: Dealbreaker Is Hiring More Columnists

Do you want to write things on Dealbreaker? We are looking for one or more people to join our current stable of columnists to write stuff on Dealbreaker. Topics could include private equity, hedge funds, b-school, stripping one’s way through b-school, or something that has absolutely nothing to do with any of those things but which you are particularly passionate about. If you’re interested, get in touch and let us know your background and what you’d be interested in writing about. If you are currently gainfully employed on Wall Street (and would like to stay that way) for a firm that would not look favorably on a part-time writing career, anonymous/pseudonymous columns are fine.

Housekeeping: Dealbreaker Is Looking For Columnists

Do you want to write things on Dealbreaker? We are looking for a few more regular columnists to write regularly on the areas of their expertise and interest. Topics could include private equity, hedge funds, b-school, stripping one’s way through b-school, or something that has absolutely nothing to do with any of those things but which you are particularly passionate about. Topics like "what I am thinking about this week" or "finance!" will probably be less successful. If you are interested, and can commit to writing a column each week or so, please get in touch and tell us who you are (a resume if you want, or just what you do) and what you'd like to write about. A sample post on your idea would also be great. As always, if you are currently gainfully employed on Wall Street (and would like to stay that way) for a firm that would not look favorably on a part-time writing career, anonymous/pseudonymous columns are fine.