Which Financier Was Liaising With The Russian Spies?
So hey, there are Russian spies among us! Ten to be exact, who were busted yesterday by the Justice Department because apparently the US is not cool with that sort of thing. Before they were arrested, said Ruskies carried out their mission using code words, invisible ink, brush passes, microphone plants and folded newspapers to pass off money. Also! One of the spies, code name: Cynthia Murphy, apparently had a whole bunch of "work-related personal meetings with" and "cultivated the friendship of" an unnamed "prominent New York–based financier active in politics" and "could invite her to party headquarters."
This could pretty much be anyone, as lots of people probably consider themselves "prominent New York-based financiers active in politics" (though that's how the Russians described the guy, so it narrows things down slightly). But I'm interested to see who you think it is. Rampant speculation encouraged.
10 alleged Russian secret agents arrested in US [AP via DI]
Russian Spy Ring [Telegraph]