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Who Are Your Favorite Hedge Fund IR Dimes?

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So, my friend Jessica Pressler and I did a list of the hottest pieces of male tail on Wall Street. This may be of interest to a few of you (the ladies, the boys seeking boys, those who want to hate-click about not being on it) but I am aware that, for the most part, many of you are looking for something a little different.

And so, for you, Dealbreaker will be compiling a list of the hottest IR chicks. The women who, like a certain former Citi employee, could technically be deemed "too hot" for the job and summarily fired, but are not because of their amazing asset allocation skills. I can't do this without you, of course, so if you want it, you're going to have to work for it. This will not be possible unless you send all relevant details here (subject line: "Hedge Fund IR Dimes") and for the love of god, attempt to include a pic or point me in the direction where one can be found. Apparently "there's this Jennifer chick from SAC" who's "definitely in the Top 9" and let us not forget that the man who set the bar for "the most insane investor relations bunnies you've ever seen," Nick Maounis, has started a new shop, currently in the process of raising funds. (Please note, if people are feeling skittish, we're not looking to demean anyone here. We're just trying to be fair.)


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Hedge Fund Manager Are Sad

And dying from a form of cancer that attacks alpha generation, they say.