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Mark Sanchez Bangs 17 Year-Old Daughter Of Greenwich Capital Founder In Effort To Gain Access To Top Flight Money Management?

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As you may have heard, Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez has a 17 year-old lady friend. Her name is Eliza Kruger (pictured) and she's a high school student in Greenwich who he met at nightclub Lavo on New Year's Eve. Liking what he saw, Sanchez gave her tickets to the January 2 Jets/Bills game and then, a week later, took her dinner at Nobu and back to his house in New Jersey where they "hooked up" (she posted pictures to Facebook of a bed with rumbled sheets afterward, natch). For those of you wondering if Sanchez was wading into statutory rape category- he wasn't. Eliza looked up the age of consent in New Jersey and it's 16, so everything was cool. Or at least it should have been but sometimes people get bent out of shape when a 24 year-old has relations with a girl who was 11 when he was 18. What also made things awkward was that Eliza seems to have just been in it for the sex but Sanchez wanted more! He would text her at all hours of the night, like at 2am on a Wednesday to "hang out" and she respond, "Um, I have school tomorrow." He was contacting her as recently as January 24, seeing if she wanted to chill after the Jets lost the AFC Championship Game and people, like Eliza's father, started to be all, "leave her alone, stalker."

But! Today brings news Sanchez might not have been actually harassing a 17 year-old girl but rather trying to get to her dad, knowing the guy could offer him unparalleled investment advice, Papa Kruger being Konrad "Chip" Kruger, a partner in Stamford-based financial firm Five Mile Capital Partners and founder/former co-CEO of Greenwich Capital.

Konrad "Chip" Kruger, a partner in the Stamford, Conn., financial firm Five Mile Capital Partners, who court records show received a $48 million bonus, severance and a deferred-compensation package when he left the firm Greenwich Capital in 2000.

He also was in a partnership that in 2005 bought 78 percent of the commercial real-estate subsidiary of General Motors Corp. -- at a cost of $500 million.

"The return on this investment is potentially staggering," wrote a Connecticut divorce-court judge in 2006, dissolving the marriage of Konrad and Eliza's mother, Marie Kruger.

Ours is just a theory. It may or may not pan out.

Sanchez And His HS Gal [NYP]
This Is The Somewhat Romantic Story Of Mark Sanchez And A 17 Year Old Girl [Deadspin]
