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Mark Zuckerberg Out Of Money To Buy Dick-Pic Messaging Service

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Also, he got a deal on WhatsApp, for which he's got a 5 year plan.

In a keynote interview at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Zuckerberg suggested that the mobile messenging app will enjoy a long grace period before it’s expected to start kicking in its fair share of the rent. In negotiations with WhatsApp cofounders Jan Koum and Brian Acton, he said, a key selling point was the proposition that “they can focus for the next five years or so purely on connecting more people.” [...] “I actually think that by itself it’s worth more than $19 billion, although it’s hard to make that case today because they have so little revenue compared to that number,” Zuckerberg said...Zuckerberg was also asked by an audience member whether the WhatsApp deal means Facebook is still a potential suitor for Snapchat, which it tried to acquire for $3 billion in November. Zuckerberg suggested it was no longer on the table: “After buying a company for $16 billion, you’re probably done for a while.”

Mark Zuckerberg: WhatsApp Was Worth Even More, Doesn't Need To Make Money [Forbes]


What If Mark Zuckerberg Wore A 3-Piece Suit And A Monocle To The Facebook Roadshow?

What if Mark Zuckerberg wore cutoff jean shorts and a mesh Hawaii 69 football jersey to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore a Mr. Peanut costume to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore a tuxedo tee-shirt to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg dressed as Robocop for the IPO roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore Crocs to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg entered the roadshow as a member of the Lollipop Guild? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore Capri pants to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore a wetsuit to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore a Lacoste polo with an argyle sweater wrapped around his neck to the Facebook roadshow? What if Mark Zuckerberg wore the Hannibal Lechter mask from Silence of the Lambs to the Facebook roadshow? Would things have turned out differently? If Zuckerberg had left the hoodie at home? One guy says yes. "I felt that had Mr. Zuckerberg worn a jacket instead of a hoodie (showing them that he respected them enough to "dress up"), he would have made a statement to them that he cares about their needs, and will act in their best interest. He chose not to make that statement, and the current share price demonstrates that investors have chosen not to support Facebook shares. All of this is iterative. Had Facebook issued 10 million shares instead of 421 million, the stock would probably be much higher. However, had Mr. Zuckerberg worn a jacket and reassured investors that he is aligned with their expectations, perhaps more people would be stepping in to buy now." So...yeah.

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Dissolvable Junk-Pic Messaging Service Piques Saudi Prince's Interest

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